Art Theory

character design insparation

See the source image
This is concept art from TF2 for the medic by Moby Franke

This is concept art for the medic from team fortress 2 by Moby Francke who was a concept artist for valve and then became an art director at Riot Games. he was a character designer for half life 2 and art lead for team fortress 2.

Engineer concept1.jpg

Pyro concept 2.jpg


4 types of perspective

1 point perspective is a when things get smaller the further they are away , converging towards a single point.

Image result for what is 1 point art

2 point perspective is when you are looking at a corner with two parallel moving away.

Image result for what is 2 point art

3 point perspective is when all line of the image are recede towards one of three vanishing points.

Image result for 3 point art

aerial perspective is technique of representing more distant objects as fainter and less detailed

Image result for aerial perspective

this is a building with a brute architecture which uses 2 view points , to find them you use the lien tool(u) and drag it along the edges of the building.


Image result for doom titan hell

this is concept art for doom (2016) , I like the idea of going inside the ruins of the titan. I also like the ribs coming out of the ground.

Image result for gow 4 thamur's corpse

this is from god of war 4. I like the giant in the background which is thamur’s corpse , the scale and look of the giant makes it look interesting .

Image result for skyrim dwemer ruins

I like the steampunk style of this image , it’s concept art from the elders scrolls skyrim , the contrasting metallic colors and white marble like colors.

Image result for doom icon of sin

this is the icon of sin from doom 2016 , I like the look of the skull , it looks demonic and intimidating.

isometric design

sword and shield idea


Image result for tiki mask
Image result for shark teeth
Image result for sauron eye
Image result for scarab egypt
Image result for medieval helmet
Image result for head on spike


Image result for chainsaw
Image result for chain
Image result for cigar
Image result for firework rocket


Image result for STAR WARS VENATOR

sword and shield designs

shield designs

this is painted grey due to the lines being too pale

sword designs

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