Imagined Worlds

my role in my group is as a concept artist for the characters , environment and other. I’m in a group with Corey Brennan , James Spencer and Jessica Casey. Our teams idea was to a VR first person fighting game with cyborg vampires , however it ended up becoming a first person fighting game due to Covid restrictions prevent VR use for safety reasons.

Character/ enemy

when it comes to designing enemies and characters the goal was to make them a mixture of technology and vampire stuff , however it ended up being more cyberpunk than anything , a lot of technology and not a lot of vampire stuff which would be gothic like kind of like Warhammer 40k. On reflection I wish as a whole I kept to a more cyborg vampire than just cyborg with vampire elements. Other inspirations for the concept art include doom eternal demons which have had a massive inspiration on my concept art.

How does this relate to the glass and steel theme , it is mostly related to the theme in one way that being cybernetic. I wish I had incorporated more glass elements into my concept art this could’ve been through enemies with large glass elements to them , for example enemies in suits with glass visor or something.

Production of concept art

at the beginning of the project I didn’t really have a plan on how to make / start various pieces and this this can be seen by several of the pieces of concept art such as:

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Old Cyborg Vampire

This is the first piece of concept art I did for our project and I need to go offer it again and finally make it more polished as it looks kind of bland , especially the arms which could look better( be sharper and make them different).

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Collection of Potential faces

This is a wall of faces for the first piece of concept art I did , the purpose of this was to cerate variants which could be used , I like doing this because It allows me to experiment with designs as you can see. I would use this later to help me start new potential pieces of concept art as I it helps me create more interesting designs which I enjoy to do.

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Glass demon

These 3 pieces of concept art look in my opinion unpolished (Old Cyborg Vampire , Collection of potential faces and Glass Demon) , firstly they are unpolished because I like to add a lot of detail on my work. This is due to the fact that all three were done on one layer without new layers that allow for me to make changes and improving. An overall issue with all my concept arts is the lack of color on them , this is an area where it’d like to improve on as it would finish my concept art.

This is the start of the character concept art , with this I used layers to improve the quality of my work. This would help improve the quality of my work as I could improve and parts that are weaker and further refine the concept art.

This is the finalized version of the character concept art , I created several variants of the character’s face and created the character from the side.

This is and old cyborg

I don’t like this old cyborg

This concept art was inspired by the possessed soldier from doom eternal. It was supposed to be a heavier version of the possessed soldier with more cybernetics and weaponry.

shark thing

axolotl + galaxy/galactic = Galoxlotl

fish thing

Killer bean
This is a Rat Thing.


Overall I would have liked to create concept art with color and from multiple views from the back and side for example. I would’ve also liked to incorporate more 3D elements into my concept art to improve how ell it looks

environmental concept


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