Synoptic Project

For my synoptic project I am in a group with Keith Wilkinson , Jake Thompson , Jacob dale and Jessilee Russell. The game is a 2D metroidvania with inspirations from Metroid , Castlevania and MegaMan . My role in my group is to create concept art for the enemies and characters as well as make their assets. As well as animation in unity for the main characters and sprite based animation for the NPCs. The name of our game is called It’s A Small Game.

Job roles

Keith is project lead and programmer , his job is to create the various mechanics for the game as well as documentation for the game such as asset list and burndown chart , furthermore he leads to group when it comes to organization.

Jake is a environmental artist , his job is to create environment tiles for the game as well as the background art for the environments .

Jessilee is a environmental artist , her job is to create environment tiles as well as background art for the environments .

Jacob is composer and sound designer , his job is to create music for the game as well as work on sound effects for the game.

My job role is to create concept art for the player and enemies , as well as their assets which are pixel art designed and their animations.

asset list

The asset list is a list of assets that will need to be made for the project , it also will rank what is a high priority to work on , which we will focus on completing first. It also shows what we are all working on which is good as it can help organize and streamline production . In my case I am starting with the male character concept art and mini boss design. I also have to create assets for the female character , ground enemy , flying enemy and boss.

production timeline

The production timeline shows a rough timeline in when assets are going to produced and completed by in addition to what order their are going to be completed by. In my case I’m hoping to complete all the concept art before the pre-production timeline on February 28th. afterwards I am expected to complete all the animation by 4th of may .

burndown chart

The burndown chart shows another rough timeline for when jobs are expected to be completed by and when their actually going to be roughly finished by , in addition it is for the overall team.

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